“Fried Rice” ‘d Cauliflower

For my lunches this week I made a large batch of fried riced cauliflower. Now just so you're warned, this is not fried rice so don't expect fried rice. It won't have the same texture, it won't have the same taste, it won't leave you stuffed like a plate of fried rice. HOWEVER, it WILL... Continue Reading →

A Cleansing Veggie Soup

So I'm cleansing this week. What does that really mean? Well this week, that means I'm adding a ton of fiber to my diet, omitting excess oils, sugars, and salts, and really, just focusing on a simple and clean menu so I can help heal my gut and let my insides reset themselves. For dinner... Continue Reading →

Kale & Quinoa Salad

This salad is light and refreshing on a thousand degree day like it was today (I exaggerate - it was like 84, but in my defense, it IS still January). Anyway... it's light BUT it's packed with protein, healthy fats, and a BUNCH of fiber so you won't end your meal feeling hungry. I don't... Continue Reading →

How to Rice your Cauliflower

When I was younger I (like many of you) could eat anything with no side effects. Unfortunately, as I've aged, I've noticed that my body doesn't process certain foods the way it did in my youth. Rice is one of those food that affects me differently these days, white rice especially. As soon as I... Continue Reading →

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